Chapter 10 is done

Hey guys, chapter 10 is done. Took a bit longer as I was lazy :p and spent a lot of my time playing league with the new URF mode. That said, I gotta start doing my homework now. Anyways, if you have adblock on. try turning it off. I have an awesome ad! Check it out! :)

Hopefully I'll get the next chapter out in two days. It's a semi long chapter...

ps. almost forgot. It's my birthday today :)


  1. First of all, thank you very much for your continued effort translating MFLLB, i was skeptical at first seeing the title, but in fact the story, character placement, development and environment were superb, much more awesome than those albeit popular but lacked depth and won't make you attached to read further.

    But then again, however old are you right now, happy birthday and i hope you were blessed with health and wisdom!

  2. Looking forward to the next chapter.

    Thanks James!
